Join us to study Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi: Pointing to the Promised King by Kathleen Nielson, January 14-April 1.

TUESDAYS, 7:00-8:30 PM
Sam & Cindy Lynn’s
6140 Forest Highlands Dr
Fort Worth, TX 76132

The $15 registration fee covers the cost of your book, and scholarships are available. Questions? Contact Jill Davis via email or at 817-896-7113.

The second Sunday of each month, young adults (20’s-30’s) meet for lunch, an afternoon or evening activity, or dinner. To join the GroupMe, contact Addi Eggar (210-560-7292) or Travis Robnett (405-831-2831). To check next month’s location online, visit the Events calendar.

The Giving Grove has donated 14 fruit and pecan trees that we have planted to begin creating a beautiful space with a little orchard, flowers, benches, walking paths, and vegetable garden to share with our community. Help will be needed with ongoing maintenance and workdays… bring a shovel and some work gloves! Questions? See Anne Santana, Marilyn Schwartzbeck, or Andy Warren.

Upcoming Workdays in 2025: Saturday, March 15, 9:00-11:30 a.m. We’ll be composting, weeding, expanding beds, and planting. Bring your garden tools plus cardboard boxes, wheelbarrows, bagged leaves, and greens/browns/coffee grounds for compost.

If you are among the 40% of Americans who say their financial situation has caused them to lose sleep in the past month, it’s time to make a change. Take the first step and take control of your finances by signing up for the Financial Peace University classes hosted by Don Judd and Dowell Stackpole at FWPC. Registration is $79 and covers both spouses attending, if married. Class (and better sleep) starts on Thursday, January 9, 6-8 p.m. and runs for nine weeks in the Lecture Hall. Scholarships are available.

The Men’s Ministry of FWPC was born out of an effort to train and equip men to follow Jesus in all the uniqueness of their vocations.

We desire to encourage every woman to know and to grow in her knowledge and love for God and for others, with a robust commitment to extending His Kingdom in her life, her home, her community, and throughout the world.