The mission of FWPC Men’s Ministry is to create a fellowship that trains and equips men to follow Jesus at home, church, work, and in our community.


B – Biblical/Reformed
R – Relational/Fun
O – Outward Focused
S – Serving the body/community


We encourage every man in the church to be involved in the lives of other men. We need real relationships for discipleship and growth. We need chances to share all the good and bad things in life with one another. We need prayer, and we need to pray for others.

We have found one of the best ways these things happen is in the context of small groups (4-10 men) that meet regularly – weekly, bi-weekly, monthly – with one another. If you’re interested in joining a group like this, complete an interest form. Questions? Contact Kris Keffer.


Connect with a small group of men who want to go deeper to apply the sermon’s teaching to their daily lives in community. This group meets weekly to build relationships, discuss, and pray. If you are interested in joining, contact Dave Belden.


Corresponding with their wives’ Moms Groups, this group of fathers gathers monthly during the school year to build relationships, discuss a book relevant to Biblical fatherhood, and pray. If you are interested in learning more, contact Jack Norris.


Cody Bailey, Dave Belden, Galli Davis, Gary Fredricks, Chris Jordan, Kris Keffer, Jeff Martin, Sean Peters, and Tim Watt currently serve on the men’s ministry team. If you have ideas or questions about men’s programs or events, feel free to reach out to any of them. To learn more about FWPC Men’s Ministry and how you can get involved, contact Chris Jordan.

2024-2025 EVENTS

Bowling & Billiards
Thursday, July 25, 6:30 pm
Main Event Fort Worth South

Men’s Breakfasts – 8:30 am
Saturday, August 24 at the Barn
Saturday, October 19 at FWPC
Saturday, January 18 at the Barn
Saturday, March 15 at FWPC

Beer & Brat Night
Tues, Nov 19, 6:30 pm
9128 Benview Court
Fort Worth, TX 76126

Men’s Spring Retreat
April 25-26 at The Davis Barn

2024-2025 BIBLE STUDY

FWPC Lecture Hall
Tuesdays, 7:00 pm
Wednesdays, 6:30 am

Sept 10-Nov 13: Ezra & Nehemiah
Jan 21-Apr 9: Galatians


Make sure you’re always up to date by signing up for men’s ministry email updates on the home page.

Come connect with other men as we study Galatians for 12 weeks this spring: January 21-April 9. We’ll be using the Knowing the Bible Series study guide. Small groups will meet for discussion of the study and prayer in the Lecture Hall – choose the Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning group.

The book of Galatians is one of the apostle Paul’s most impassioned and eloquent letters. It warns Christians of the dangers of both legalism and lawlessness, calling believers to live gospel-shaped lives. In this study, PCA pastor Geoff Ziegler walks readers through the promises, warnings, and gospel declarations found in Galatians. Both accessible and theologically robust, this guide will help Christians find freedom in their identity as God’s adopted children.

Join us in the FWPC Fellowship Hall on Saturday, March 15 at 8:30 a.m. to be challenged by thoughtful teaching, connect and build friendships, and break bread together.

Worship with Us!

IN PERSON – 10:00 am

FACEBOOK LIVE – 10:00 am

6251 Oakmont Trail

Fort Worth, TX