We are the missions team at FWPC. Our purpose is to help our church family participate with Jesus in his on-going mission of bringing the good news of God’s salvation to a lost, hostile world. Much of our help involves supporting many brothers and sisters who bring that good news to people in various places through prayer, finances, correspondence, and visitation. We also inform our church family of their families, their work, their needs, and their plans. They are part of us, and we are here for them. Other help involves educating our church family of Jesus’ mission, reminding them of his words to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest” (Matt. 9:37-38).

Our missions team meets monthly and is currently chaired by Al Olsen. Individuals from the mission field will often join us in person or through video conference.

Email the committee if you would like to join us and hear more about how God is at work locally and around the world.

Worship with Us!

IN PERSON – 10:00 am

FACEBOOK LIVE – 10:00 am

6251 Oakmont Trail

Fort Worth, TX