Please join us for Corporate Worship at 10:00 a.m.
Why We Worship
We are never more the church than when we are worshipping together on the Lord’s Day. In corporate worship, God is both the primary object of worship and the primary actor in worship – meaning God is at work forming us more and more into the people he desires us to be. In worship we are reoriented to who our God is and what our God has done for us in Christ and by his Spirit – how he has called us, forgiven us, teaches us, feeds us, and sends us out into the world to bear his name as we lift high the cross of Christ. It’s through our worship together that God is actually advancing His Kingdom – against the forces of darkness out there, but also against the forces of darkness still in here. So, corporate worship is the engine of our mission, as a church and as individuals, for from it flows our growth in the gospel and our going out with the gospel.
What To Expect
Every week we celebrate the good news ofJesus Christ through responsive Scripture readings, confession, prayer, singing together, the reading and preaching of the Word, and the Lord’s Supper.
What can visitors expect? We want you to feel welcome to worship with us and learn about FWPC. Typical dress is casual to business casual – come as you are! You will see men in jeans, casual or dress pants, and even suits. You’ll find women wearing pants, skirts, and dresses. Greeters will welcome you into the fellowship hall and direct you to the sanctuary. We would love to have a record of your visit and follow up with you. If you wish, you may scan the QR code in the bulletin to provide your contact information, and stop by the vistors’ kiosk in the fellowship hall for a welcome gift. You can expect the worship service to conclude between 11:15 and 11:30 a.m. Our elders are available after the service to answer questions or pray with you.
Sermons: Preaching at FWPC is expositional, meaning that it seeks to proclaim and unfold the meaning and significance of the biblical text to engage the whole person. Sermons usually last 30-35 minutes and are meant to show forth how God, through a particular passage of Scripture, reveals both our need for God’s grace and his provision of that grace in his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. In this way, the sermon seeks to be both Biblical and transformational. This is what we mean by the term Gospel-driven… if a sermon is not Gospel-driven, and hence Christ-focused, it is not biblical.
Kids of all ages are welcome during the entire service, but childcare is available for infants-3 years old. Check-in is located at the hallway to the children’s wing near the main entrance. Ages 4-2nd grade may be dismissed prior to the sermon for KIWI (Kids In Worship Instruction) and will return when the sermon concludes.
Our Worship Livestream is at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook. You can use the link below to watch the service live or at another time.
The heart of the Christian life is progressive formation in Christ’s image, and we grow in the likeness of Christ not only through information, but also through fellowship with one another.
Join us at 9:00 a.m.
Exploring the Gospels
We’ll see how Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John spotlight Jesus’ life and ministry using their distinctive vocabularies, writing styles, and emphases. Each class will begin with a background section covering topics like origin, reliability, canonicity, and structure. Participants will learn to read the Gospels in context and ask meaningful questions when observing, interpreting, and applying biblical texts. Bob Schwartzbeck leads this class in Room 201.
A class on the Epistle of James is held in the Lecture Hall, led by the elders.
High School Youth meet in Room 204 on Worship with Travis Robnett, and Middle School Youth meet in Room 203 studying the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
See Scope & Sequence Chart
5th-6th Grade (GAP) – Room 209
Jeff & Amy Thom use the New City Catechism along with Bible passages to provide students with a broad framework for their faith as they learn how to study their Bibles for themselves.
3rd-4th Grade – Room 208
Candace Hilton uses FWPC curriculum to take students through the Redemptive History of the Bible and help them love God wholeheartedly in what they think and do, during good times and bad.
1st-2nd Grade – Room 210
Laura and Kristina Keffer use FWPC curriculum with familiar and unfamiliar Bible stories to dig deeper into theology and help children enjoy God as they learn to trust Him more and more as a promise keeper.
Preschool and Kindergarten – Room 111
Judy Judd and team use the Show Me Jesus curriculum to emphasize the foundational truths of God as Creator and Promise Keeper, Jesus as God and Savior, and our joy in living in God’s Family as we serve our Savior.
Toddlers – Room 112
Through play and stories, using the Children’s Catechism alongside The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible, little ones are planted deep in the soil of Creation, The Fall, and Redemption while the roots of fellowship are tended.
Infants – Room 110
Infant nursery provides a space to be lovingly nurtured while hearing the sounds worship, scripture, and the gathered fellowship of the family of God.