Ben & Anna Graber

The Grabers serve long-term with Mission to the World’s team in Munich, Germany, where they support a German church plant on the city’s drastically under-churched east side as well as Martin Bucer Seminary, a multi-site Reformed seminary based in Germany. Ben serves in preaching, worship, and the church’s leadership team, while Anna helps to lead the children’s Sunday school program and discipleship for women. At the seminary, Ben is an instructor in Old Testament and tutors a number of students through MBS’ guided self-study programs.

Their vision is to see Munich—once a bastion of the German Counter-Reformation and now a highly secular global city—become home to a large, healthy network of Reformed evangelical churches and a launching pad for pastors, church planters, counselors, ministry workers, and missionaries who will bring the gospel throughout German-speaking Europe and build up the Church in the knowledge and love of Christ.

Ben and Anna have five children: Peter (b. 2013), Lucas (b. 2015), Lilias (v. 2017), Owen (b. 2019), and Joseph (b. 2022).

Doug & Masha Shepherd

The Shepherds minister on an international church planting team, seeking to plant church planting churches in L’viv and the western region of Ukraine. This team seeks to raise up the next generation of missionaries from the United States and the Ukraine Presbyterian Church to reach Ukraine and the world.

Doug explains, “Our focus is planting a church planting church via hospitality based, modeling and training in the Ukrainian language. We are seeking to focus on children’s, women’s, men’s, university, orphan, and elderly ministry. We seek to have a worship service that is appropriate for the Ukrainian context that displays the transcendence and immanence of God while providing Reformed teaching that seeks to engage all areas of life with the Gospel.”

The Shepherds have three children: Chas, Nika, and Sophia.

Please pray for the Shepherds as they love God and that they would grow in understanding of humility, forbearance, grace, and love. Also pray for the young believers as they seek to take leadership for the first time in their lives.

Angi & Remy Ngumbu

Rémy and Angi Ngumbu serve with The Seed Company, an affiliate of Wycliffe Bible Translators. Their desire is to help people in central Africa and around the world to have access to the Bible in the language or languages that they understand best. Rémy works in organizational development, helping Bible translation organizations to develop their financial capacity, allowing them to receive international grants and to become more efficient. Angi works as a Project Manager, helping churches and language communities in Congo to plan and develop translation projects and giving them the resources that they need to carry them out. Sometimes she works as a linguist, helping language communities to analyze the grammar of their language before writing it down.

Rémy and Angi have two children: Chloé (b. 2014) and Clara (b. 2017).

José Portillo & Hispanic Leadership Initiative

Hispanic Leadership Initiative (HLI) was officially formed in January 2012 as a network of PCA churches, institutions, and individuals committed to raising up Hispanic leadership for Christ. HLI is committed to preparing Hispanic men and women for ministry in the PCA.

HLI’s vision is: a culturally-diverse, missionally-driven Presbyterian Church in America embracing Hispanic communities with the transformational power of the gospel of Jesus Christ for the advancement of His Kingdom. Their mission? By God’s grace and provision, through personal relationships and in active partnership with churches, institutions, and individuals, Hispanic Leadership Initiative will develop a pipeline of Hispanic leadership for Christ’s Church by: Identifying, Encouraging, Supporting, and Facilitating.

José has been married to Anna for six years, and together thay have four children. José is a bilingual, first-generation immigrant to the United States, has been ordained as a Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America, and is planting Vive Charlotte Church in Charlotte, NC.

Steve Fults
Equipping Leaders International

ELI partners with under-resourced ministry network leaders to equip national trainers, who in turn teach others. This minimizes language and cultural barriers and empowers national leaders to impact their churches, schools, and communities through sound biblical instructions. Steve serves as the Timothy Coordinator for South Asia assisting national partners in vision, resources, and record-keeping. He trains and tracks Timothys, builds progress for each partner, and keeps track of church planting.

Steve is married to Terri and they share three children and six grandchildren. They settled in Fort Worth in 1994, and Steve has served as a Ruling Elder at Fort Worth Presbyterian since 1996 and FWPC’s Director of Operations from 2004-2024.

Andy Warren
Equipping Farmers International

Andy trains leaders and members of local churches to drill shallow small bore hole water wells in Africa. As a member of Equipping Leaders International’s faculty, he works with Equipping Farmers International to establish regional training centers and conducts in-country training. With dependable access to water, local churches and communities can envision a better future. Abundant water supports agriculture, stimulating economic growth and food security. It nourishes livelihoods and fosters self-reliance, empowering communities to break free from the cycle of poverty. EFI’s vision transcends water scarcity to embrace a world where health, hope, and prosperity flourish, where water is a source of life, not hardship, and where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and build a better future.

Andy is married to Christal, and they have three grown children and two grandchildren. They have been members of Fort Worth Presbyterian since 2000, where Andy serves as a deacon.

Amy Thom
Global Golf College Texas

The goal of the collegiate side of Global Golf Ministries is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ by being present in the lives of female collegiate golfers and their coaches. Amy does this primarily by being at golf tournaments, hosting weekly fellowship bible studies, one-to-one discipleship, and opening her home for a haven of rest. She is primarily focused on female golfers in Texas, but Global Golf has dreams of expanding to every region of the U.S. and hosting annual retreats.

Amy played golf at the University of Texas (1997-1999) and Texas Christian University (1999-2001), and she hopes to be a light that brings life into the lives of college golfers during their most tumultuous, trajectory-setting years. She is married to Jeff, and they have four children.

Keith Berger
Reformed University Fellowship, Chief Organizational Development Officer

Keith graduated from Duke University in 1990 and spent five years with the U. S. Army after college. After earning his Mdiv from Reformed Theological Seminary, he served as the Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) campus minister at Louisiana State University from 1999-2008, area coordinator from 2008-2019, and RUF assistant coordinator from 2019-2020. He presently serves as the Chief Development Officer of RUF. Keith and Paige, a former RUF intern, have been married since 1998 and have lived in Fort Worth since 2008. They have three mostly grown daughters, Louise Anne, Kate, and Anderson, and one mostly grown son, Ward.

Bradford Green
Reformed University Fellowship, Campus Minister | Texas Christian University

Bradford Green is the campus minister at TCU. Originally from Murfreesboro, TN, he graduated from Lipscomb University in 2008 and moved to the mountains of East Tennessee. After two years working at a PCA church there — and living in a cabin up a hollow behind Dollywood theme park — Bradford enrolled at Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte) and received his M.Div and call to RUF in the spring of 2013. He enjoys reading, Tennessee football, smoking meats, and fussing with his beard.

Cristina is a native of Houston, TX and graduated from TCU — where she was active in RUF — in 2008 and from RTS Charlotte in 2013 (ThM). She’s also a Master Gardener, and less formally a master at baking chocolate chip cookies and finding good food in Fort Worth. The Greens met working at Young Life’s Wilderness Ranch in Colorado and were married in 2011. From ’13-‘19 they planted a new RUF work at Hendrix College in Conway, AR. Bradford and Cristina have three kids: Weldon (b. 2013), Rosie (b. 2016), and Wilkes (b. 2019).

Justin Smith
Reformed University Fellowship, Campus Minister | University of North Texas

Justin Smith is a native Texan originally from Arlington. His introduction to RUF was as an undergrad at Belmont University from which he graduated in 2007. Justin met his wife Kathryn (a Vanderbilt grad and RUF intern) at RUF’s summer conference in 2010. A year later they were married and moved to Atlanta where Justin completed seminary at RTS Atlanta. Justin started with RUF at UNT in 2017, and coming from an extensive musical background UNT has been a great fit. Justin and Kathryn both love RUF and are excited about serving the students at UNT. They also enjoy music, cooking and trying new foods, day hikes, having folks in their home, and the Texas Rangers. They have three great kids: Vivian, Nathaniel, and Eleanor.

Texas A&M University
Reformed University Fellowship

Anson DeLatte is on staff as Aggie RUF’s administrative and communications coordinator, and Grant Carter will be joining Texas A&M RUF as Campus Minister in June. Grant grew up in College Station and attended Texas A&M where he met Anne Michal through RUF. As married seniors, they enjoyed hosting an RUF Bible study at their apartment. After college, Grant was the RUF intern at Mississippi State for 3 years then moved to Jackson, MS for seminary where he also served as youth intern at First Presbyterian Church. Anne Michal was RUF Campus Staff at Mississippi College while also pursuing a masters from Reformed Theological Seminary. Grant and Anne Michal love cooking together, reading on the couch, and watching Aggie football—even though it brings them much heartache. They are thrilled to serve Aggie RUF and look forward to being in College Station!

Davis Sweatt
Reformed University Fellowship, Campus Minister | Texas Tech University

Davis Sweatt is the campus minister at TTU. Originally from Huntsville, AL, Davis graduated from Mississippi State in 2011. After college, he moved to Memphis, TN and met his wife, Valerye (also a graduate of MSU). After being in Memphis for three years, they eventually moved to Saint Louis, MO in 2016 for Davis to pursue his Mdiv and counseling degrees. While in Saint Louis, they had two children, Wynn (born 2019) and Darby (born 2021). They also welcomed their third child, Mattie, in August of 2022! They enjoy hanging outside with their kids and dog, Leo, as well as playing games at their house, watching MSU sports, and eating good food!

Eduardo Ovalle
Reformed University Fellowship, Campus Ministry Associate | UTEP

Eduardo grew up in El Paso, Texas, attended both UTEP and El Paso Community College, and has grown to love the community and campuses. He graduated from UTEP with a BA in Communication Studies and will be pursuing an MDiv this summer at Covenant Theological Seminary. Eduardo became a Christian at 19 and from this journey developed a passion for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with college students and young adults. He loves to see what the Lord is doing in the lives of the students of El Paso.

Eduardo recently married Ana who he met at a community college Bible study but is currently working on her Pharm D at the UTEP School of Pharmacy. They have a dog who is a beagle-shepherd mix and both love to read, discover new bookstores and coffee shops, and meet new people.

Cyril Chavis
Reformed University Fellowship, Campus Minister | Howard University, Washington DC

Rev. Cyril Chavis, Jr. is from Virginia Beach, VA. During his first year at the University of Virginia, Cyril recognized that he was a sinner who was rebelling against a God who has a glorious design for his life. Soon after recognizing his desperate need and giving his life to Jesus Christ, he experienced the life transforming grace of God and sensed an inward call to ministry. Cyril was first licensed to preach in Mt. Gilead Missionary Baptist Church , became a church planting resident at Portico Church, and graduated from UVA with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies. He holds a Master of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson. After graduating seminary in 2017 and leading RUF at Jackson State for four years, Cyril and his wife, Jenell, started an RUF in DC. When Cyril is not at work in ministry, you can find him hanging out with Jenell, goofing off with his two daughters (Aria and Elise), or laughing way too hard with friends and family!

Laura Straka
Reformed University Fellowship, Campus Staff at Emory University

Laura has been serving RUF at Emory University since 2014, first as an intern and then as Campus Staff. She is from the land of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Forest, Virginia, but also has Texas roots – she is the daughter of FWPC’s founding pastor Mike Sharrett. Laura graduated from The University of Virginia in 2014 with a double major in Middle Eastern Studies and Religious Studies. Laura also has a Masters of Arts in Biblical Studies from Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta. She loves cooking Moroccan food, reading a good book, and trees.

African American Ministries

African American Ministries aims to unite current African Americans in the PCA, invite others into the circle, and position African Americans to thrive and serve well in each local context. A ministry of Mission to North America, AAM implements this strategy by: 1) Recruiting new African American leaders who desire to serve in and outside of the pulpit. 2) Supporting emerging leaders by connecting them with existing leaders and advocates, regardless of ethnicity. 3) Equipping leaders through resources that help them effectively lead and minister in their church, work, and community. 4) Mobilizing emerging leaders by encouraging them to plant churches, serve locally, or serve on committees in the PCA.

Hispanic Ministries

The United States has the second-largest Hispanic population of any nation in the world, and Hispanics are now the largest minority in the United States. Although Hispanic peoples represent a huge and growing population group, the number of PCA churches, church plants, and ministries focused on this group is proportionately far less than those serving other people groups. The vision of Mission to North America’s Hispanic Ministries is to fulfill the Great Commission by starting a movement of PCA churches committed to reaching Hispanics in the United States with the gospel by seeing new churches planted, new leaders developed, and existing churches equipped for thriving ministry.

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