Our goal in children’s ministry is to tell and show the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done (Ps. 78.1-7). We desire our children to be wooed by the love of God for them. We pray they will feel loved and valued as Jesus loved the children!

We also pray that being with their church family is the happiest place they can be, creating lifetime memories that solidify the Gospel Good News in their hearts and in that joy they are propelled into life long security in and service to King Jesus.

We have wonderful promises from God to believe! He has said He will keep His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep his commandments (Dt 7.9) and that the promise of the Holy Spirit is for us and our children (Acts 2.28). How exciting that our story is part of God’s thousands of generations!

Sun, Feb 27, 2022 – Good News Club leads KIWI Kids at the annual Variety Show & Silent Auction missions fundraiser


Marking the wonderful deeds of God through great big and wonderful church family celebrations sprinkled throughout the year is where the memories are made!

Variety Show | Palm Sunday Parade | Church Neighborhood Picnic | Vacation Bible School | Kids Advent Party | Lessons & Carols

All of these events have an outward focus celebrating not only the love Jesus has for us but His love for our community and the whole wide world!


Sundays at 9:00 am
We carefully chose curricula that tells the one true story of Jesus’ rescue of his people.

See Scope & Sequence Chart

5th-6th Grade (GAP) – Room 209
Jeff & Amy Thom use the New City Catechism to provide a broad framework for students’ faith as they learn how to study their Bibles for themselves.

3rd-4th Grade – Room 208
Candace Hilton uses FWPC curriculum to take students through the Redemptive History of the Bible and help them love God wholeheartedly in what they think and do.

1st-2nd Grade – Room 210
Laura & Kristina Keffer use FWPC curriculum with familiar and unfamiliar Bible stories to help kids enjoy God as they learn to trust Him more and more as a promise keeper.

Preschool & Kindergarten – Room 111
Show Me Jesus with Judy Judd emphasizes the foundational truths of God as Creator and Promise Keeper, Jesus as God and Savior, and our joy in living in God’s Family as we serve our Savior.

Toddlers – Room 112
Through play and stories, using the Children’s Catechism alongside The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible, little ones are planted deep in the soil of Creation, The Fall, and Redemption while the roots of fellowship are tended.

Infants – Room 110
Infant nursery provides a space to be lovingly nurtured while hearing the sounds worship, scripture, and the gathered fellowship of the family of God.


Sundays at 10:00 am
Children of all ages are welcome during the entire service. Childcare is available for infants-preschoolers. If parents choose, 4 year olds through 2nd graders can be dismissed for KIWI (Kids In Worship Instruction) during the Offering. They will return to the sanctuary after the conclusion of the sermon.

Children’s Ministry Director: Rebecca York – rebecca@fortworthpca.org, 214-681-2496
Nursery Coordinator: Neecia Eggar – nursery@fortworthpca.org, 210-542-1722

FWPC Children & Youth Protection Policy


Fort Worth Presbyterian Church is committed to our covenant responsibility to assist parents in the Christian nurture of their children. The church actively seeks to create a safe environment for our children that is free from abuse of any kind. A critical part of this is the training and education of our staff and volunteers. All staff and volunteers must undergo a criminal background check. In addition, we require that all staff and volunteers complete MinistrySafe Sexual Abuse Awareness Training before participating in our programs, and this training is repeated every two years.

Worship with Us!

IN PERSON – 10:00 am

FACEBOOK LIVE – 10:00 am

6251 Oakmont Trail

Fort Worth, TX