Pregnancy Lifeline is a private, nonprofit, Christian ministry devoted to helping women who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy. Its goal is to minister to the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of these women, sharing God’s love and hope for their future. The staff and volunteers share accurate information about the risks of abortion and the other options of marriage, single parenting, and adoption.

Volunteer Opportunities are Available

– Pray for clients and the ministry

– Train as a client advocate to speak to clients and share encouragement

– Be available at the office to talk to and encourage young men)

– Work in the blessings store, as a receptionist, or input data

– Teach classes on prenatal care, childbirth, parenting life skills, and Bible studies

– Clerical duties

– Mark bibles (highlighting verses for the plan of salvation)

– Financial donations

– Clothing donations (baby or maternity), baby items (diapers always needed, size 4 and 5 as well as smaller sizes)

– Sonographers

If you are interested in volunteering, stop by Pregnancy Lifeline and pick up a volunteer form or call and have one mailed to you. Fill out the form and return or mail it to Jeanne Mullen and make appointment to meet with her.

Worship with Us!

IN PERSON – 10:00 am

FACEBOOK LIVE – 10:00 am

6251 Oakmont Trail

Fort Worth, TX